Armasight IR810 Infra-Red Illuminator for Dark Strider Night Vision Binocular


(as of 02/02/2014 at 10:45 UTC)
SKU: B007SYI9OU Category: Tag:


IR illuminators are really important because they can help users to see better in the dark. Armasight IR810 Infra-Red Illuminator for Dark Strider Night Vision Binocular can offer users with the right night viewing experience that they need especially when they need something that can offer better performance. Armasight IR810 Infra-Red Illuminator  is small, compact and lightweight and it comes with better IR illuminator that can provide greater image in the dark. The IR illuminator is very lightweight and therefore users can carry it on their overnight expeditions and it can also be used for camping and security reasons.

Armasight IR810 Infra-Red Illuminator for Dark Strider Night Vision Binocular is a better device when the light conditions are not great enough. With the infrared illumination technology, Armasight IR810 can provide better images and better depth of perception to the users. The overall shape and design of Armasight IR810 Infra-Red Illuminator adds to the performance and makes it easier for the users to lock their targets in the night time.

Armasight IR810 Infra-Red Illuminator for Dark Strider Night Vision Binocular also features adjustment of radiation divergence and output power. Combined with Dark Strider night vision binocular Armasight IR810 Infra-Red Illuminator can offer better performance and ensure that users can see clearly in the dark. It comes with powerful 320 mW infrared diode that offers wavelength of 810nm. Armasight IR810 Infra-Red Illuminator for Dark Strider Night Vision Binocular is also compatible with other Generation 1+ CORE and Generation 2+ night vision devices.