If you are searching for something exceptional you can look out for Armasight Nyx7 ID Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles Improved Definition that can provides better night vision viewing experience. Armasight Nyx7-ID Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles Improved Definition offers better night vision experience mainly because of high quality optics and hands-free usability options that are provided. The exterior of Armasight Nyx7 ID Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles Improved Definition is solid and rugged and therefore it can be used in rough environments and expeditions. The rubberized body on the outside ensures that the device stays protected and is water proof and weather proof as well. It is lightweight and compact and therefore it is convenient for all kinds of expeditions.
Armasight Nyx7-ID Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles Improved Definition comes with built in infrared illuminator that ensures that users get to see better in dark environment. It also has auto brightness control to ensure that users can control the amount of brightness as per the light conditions. It is head or helmet mountable and therefore users can use it in a better way. It comes with built in high grade optics that can offer better short range viewing experience. Armasight Nyx7-ID Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles Improved Definition is available with various accessories such as 3X, 5X and 8X magnification lenses to ensure that users can see their target in a better way. Armasight Nyx7 ID Gen 2+ Night Vision Goggles Improved Definition also comes with high performance Generation 2+ intensifier tube that can provide better viewing capabilities in dark conditions. It also comes with diopter adjustment features and better battery performance.