Armasight PVS-14 FLAG Multi-Purpose Night Vision Monocular


(as of 02/02/2014 at 10:47 UTC)


Night vision monocular is a great tool that users need when they are heading for expeditions where they need to see clearly in the dark. Armasight PVS-14 FLAG  Multi-Purpose Night Vision Monocular FLAG  Filmless Auto-Gated IIT (comparable to Gen 4) with Manual Gain is one of the best night vision monocular that one can find in the market. This night vision monocular is designed for those who want something that can help them to see clearly in the dark. Armasight PVS-14 FLAG  Multi-Purpose Night Vision Monocular is widely used by US military and its allies and is useful in seeing in conditions when there is little or no light at all.

Armasight PVS-14 FLAG  Multi-Purpose Night Vision Monocular is lightweight, compact and weights only 12.8 ounces so users can carry it anywhere they prefer. The exterior of Armasight PVS-14 FLAG Multi-Purpose Night Vision Monocular is rubberized body and therefore it can handle rough terrains and accidental drops and is water proof as well. It is single battery and battle proven design with FLAG filmless image intensifier tube technology that ensures better performance even in dark conditions. The user gets better control to adjust brightness control to ensure that users can see the targets in a better way. It also offers better image contrast compared to other night vision monocular in the market. Armasight PVS-14 FLAG Multi-Purpose Night Vision Monocular can be handheld or it can be head mounted or helmet mounted depending on the choice of the users. It can also be attached to camera or camcorder or weapon mounted in many cases.